In today's digital age, customer experience (CX) has become a cornerstone of business success. It refers to the sum of all interactions and engagements that a customer has with a brand, from the first point of contact to the post-purchase relationship.

While customer experience encompasses a wide range of touchpoints and can include in-person interactions, it's the online element that plays a vital role in shaping a customer's perception. This is where web design becomes crucial, as it serves as the digital storefront of your business, leaving a lasting impression on potential and existing customers.

In this article, we’ll explore the significance of customer experience in web design, focusing on what constitutes a good customer experience on a website and what characterises customer-effective web design.

Defining Customer Experience

Customer experience is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental concept that underpins modern business strategy. At its core, CX is about the emotions, perceptions, and overall satisfaction a customer derives from their interactions with a brand.

Think of a positive customer experience as the result of a seamless, engaging, and pleasant journey through various touchpoints, whether online or offline. It's the feeling of delight when you find a website that's easy to navigate, the satisfaction of a quick and efficient purchase, and the contentment of receiving excellent customer support when needed.

customer experience

Customer Intent and Empathy

Empathy is at the heart of understanding and serving your audience effectively. To ensure a remarkable Customer Experience, it's essential to empathise with your users, acknowledging their needs and intent. Here are some key considerations:

  • Addressing User Intent: The first step is to identify and empathise with your users' intent. What are they looking for on your website? What problems are they trying to solve? Your web design should be tailored to meet these specific needs. Make sure that your website content, products, and services are aligned with what your target audience is searching for.

  • Answering Common Questions: Customers often have questions or concerns when interacting with a website. Providing clear and readily accessible answers to common questions is a fundamental aspect of customer-centric web design. Well-structured FAQs, live chat support, or a comprehensive knowledge base can be instrumental in this regard.

  • User Journey: Define a clear and intuitive user journey. Ensure that visitors can easily navigate through your website to find what they're looking for. A well-planned user journey streamlines the path to relevant content, products, or services, making the overall experience more user-friendly.
computer, laptop and tablet showing a web design

What makes a good customer experience on a website?

A positive customer experience on a website is the outcome of several essential elements working in harmony to create a seamless and satisfying journey for users. Here are the key aspects that contribute to a great website CX:


In today's fast-paced digital world, speed is of the essence. Studies consistently show that a faster website leads to better conversions. Here's why speed matters:

  1. User Patience: Internet users are notoriously impatient. They expect web pages to load quickly. A slow-loading website can deter potential customers and lead to high bounce rates.
  2. SEO Impact: Search engines like Google factor in page speed when determining search rankings. Faster websites tend to rank higher, making it crucial for SEO success.
  3. Code Optimisation: Optimising your website's code is essential for improving loading times. This includes compressing images, minimising HTTP requests, and utilising efficient coding practices.
  4. Third-Party Scripts: Carefully manage the integration of third-party scripts. Loading all scripts in the head tag can slow down your website. Place scripts strategically to minimise delays in rendering critical content.


A successful website should offer a high level of functionality that caters to your audience's needs and preferences. Here's why functionality matters:

  1. Customer Retention: Your goal should be to make your brand so indispensable that customers wouldn't dream of leaving you for a competitor. This means offering functionality that enhances their experience. For instance, if customers often request invoices, consider a customer portal for easy access.
  2. Self-Service Options: Create self-service tools, like configurators, to allow customers to customise their experience. This can streamline processes and make interactions with your brand more efficient.
  3. Customer Feedback: Continuously gather and incorporate customer feedback to improve functionality. This ensures that your website evolves in response to changing user needs and preferences.


The organisation and layout of your website's content and features play a pivotal role in Customer Experience. Hierarchy, in this context, refers to the arrangement of elements in a way that guides users effectively. Here's why hierarchy is important:

  1. Prioritise Key Areas: While your business may offer a wide range of products or services, it's essential to prioritise the most popular and relevant ones. Place them front and centre so users can easily find them. Too much information above the fold can overwhelm visitors and harm your click-through rates.
  2. Simplify Navigation: Keep the website structure simple and intuitive. Use clear menus, categories, and labels to guide users to the information they seek. Avoid overloading navigation menus with numerous options.

Using Web Design to Improve Customer Experience

In today's digital landscape, a good customer experience on a website is paramount for attracting, retaining, and delighting customers. Effective web design plays a pivotal role in crafting this experience.

Here at Bigger Picture, we can help you improve your web design and enhance customer experience. Our Hampshire-based digital agency offers fully bespoke brand, digital and technical solutions. Visit our Design page for more information regarding our service or get in touch with our expert team today, we’re always happy to hear from you.

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